Big change starts with big, inspiring visions
Join us as we are gathering the voices of the European youth to create a shared vision for the future on the topic of mental health and loneliness.

All coming together in an inspiring and heartfelt short film that will act as a loud voice of the youth.
Organised by:
Answer a digital questionnaire to express your views about the situation today and your dreams for the future. Everyone aged 15-30 years old, living in Europe can take part.

Last day to share your vision: May 28 2023

We need bold visions

Remember the last time you felt really excited about a project? You had a clear vision for what you wanted to do and just went for it full of energy.

We believe it is the same with really big goals as well. The problem today is that we lack those big, bold visions for the future that past generations have grown up with (moon landings, flying cars and big social reforms).

The Sustainable Development Goals were made by the United Nations to create a shared focus around the world's biggest challenges. Now help us add that layer of excitement to them by co-creating a vision for how we wished the world would look like in a perfect future scenario. Our generation's version of the moon landing.

First out is the topic of mental health and loneliness.

A film worth sharing

The film will be released in the end of 2023.

We believe in the power of bold visions that make us laugh, cry and feel a sense of belonging to each other. We are here to create just that. A bold vision that comes from the shared voice of the youth.

All coming together in an inspiring and heartfelt short film produced by one of Sweden’s coolest film studios.

This is a film made for sharing and it will act as a loud voice of the youth. Making itself heard and seen at the cinema, on billboards and on social media.


Future Visions is part 1 of 3 in the process of creating feature length sci-fi films based upon the next generation's dreams about the future. Read more about it here >

A Stockholm based non-profit working to foster more long-term thinking in society and to be a loud voice for coming generations. >

An Austrian based, multi-awarded social start-up focussed on youth empowerment & participation. >

A Stockholm based organisation who has spent the last 10 years supporting youth and putting mental health on the public agenda. >

Swedish film studio behind the campaign films for Avicii Arena and its focus on being a gathering spot for youth mental health. >